Drama Club
Sponsor(s): Ms. Apple and Mr. Gallagher
Purpose: The purpose of Drama Club is to enrich the lives of the artistic youths of BMS. Many students have conveyed their desire for drama and theater. This will give students the ability to express themselves along with assisting students with the ability to feel comfortable and confident speaking in front of crowds. This skill will help them in their academic career and going forward in life. This club will also provide students the ability to work together, use their imagination, to be creative, and expressive.
Requirements: Students must fill out an application and be accepted into the club before attending meetings. Students must have a 2.0 GPA and no referrals. You must make all practice and rehearsal meetings unless prearranged.
Club Meetings: Fridays, 7:30 - 8:45am
Grade Levels: 6th - 8th
Dues: No dues
Major Activities: Improv skits, Expo, singing, and working collaboratively.
Contact: Contact Ms. Apple at [email protected] for more information!